Okay on the progress scale things have slowed down. I have several things on the "Want To Do" list, this is a long way from the "ToDo" List I have had for the last year. ToDo means that these things must get done! My "want to do list" is far more relaxed and generally take more then one weekend to accomplish. That is both true from a time perspective as a logistic one, paint one weekend, assemble the next. The ladder was one of those projects that took several weekends this was because I had other smaller quicker projects and that I really had an open plan on the ladder as I have never built from scratch anything close to this.
So here is what I wanted, a ladder that had the hand made look, had some pieces and parts made from what I made the cottage with, Beetle Kill Pine, Acacia Flooring, Cedar, Same Fasteners. I wanted really good sturdy hand grips at the top and the bottom so I put large doweling as part of the stability/hand rail. I needed something that would carry my weight and be very stable. Here is what I came up with
Because this lives on my bed in the loft and I muscle it down when I need it, I have these bobsled handles, they work great. Lot's to grab onto when moving up to the loft or down to the floor. So here it is in the cottage.
I notched in the ladder and will put in a lock block and be able to slide the ladder over to the lock block and will be hooked to the cross beam until I slide it off the lock.
I thought the flooring for steps worked out real well. That wood is strong, really strong. Overall I am pleased with the functionality of the ladder and it certainly has a funky look to it.
A couple other projects that I worked on were a picture frame, I used some extra flooring that I have for that, I will wrap it in cedar and post a key picture of the build in it. I also adjusted my rain gauge to be level, pretty hokey but it is accurate. For every inch of rain I get one hundred and fifty one gallons in my catchment tank. Since it is only 205 gallons, I am loosing a lot of water no matter how many showers I take. It has rained 10.57 inches over the last month. Welcome to Portland in the winter. Oh yea...winter just started.
This weekend is painting the bathroom/pantry door and it's various parts. Three weeks from now I will have a real cool post about what it looks like.