Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good Weekend Of Progress

I am getting ready to get connected to the grid next weekend. This means I not only need the AC connected but I need to get the DC system up and running. A battery box is the next must have to get built. I had my nephew Jordan build it and it came out excellent even while being a bit heavy. Good thing is it will only live on the front of the house while stationary, it can be picked up and put into the back of a truck to move.

The next project was to use the last remaining T&G Beetle Kill Pine to do the ceiling. It really came out well. I used a cedar 2x2 as a break between the wall (Horizontal) and the ceiling (vertical). I like the look.

One little project I wanted to get done was to get the ledge on my dutch door. It amazed me what that little detail adds to the door. Pretty cool.

Last part of the weekend project was to get the deck rail in place. I looked at some pictures of deck rails and came up with a design that worked for me. I am a little wonky on some of my uprights but it still came out okay. It certainly will work for what I was looking for.

Maybe just maybe I will have some AC next weekend, making progress.


  1. Hey love the beetle kill t&g on the walls and ceiling. Im pondering installing the same in my tiny house/cabin. Did you use V groove or flush/butt groove tongue and groove for that beetle kill?

    1. It was flush/butt groove, very easy to align and look good. Good luck on your choice and project
